Escape the overwhelm, avoid burnout and discover the stress-free way to a business that runs on autopilot

Without Having To Get A Degree In Tech, Asking Your Kids To Do It For You Or Having To Clone Yourself!

You, too, can have the work/life balance you dream of…

You, too, can have the work/life balance you dream of…

Step into a world where your business flourishes and you actually have time to enjoy it.

Step into a world where your business flourishes and you actually have time to enjoy it.

  • As Seen In

  • As Seen In

Is Your Business Walking All Over Your Peace Of Mind?

You started your business dreaming of freedom and impact

Travelling the world, taking time off when you choose, finishing early, working around the kids, inspiring others…

But it turns out entrepreneurship doesn’t quite work like that.

Instead, you’re finding yourself:

working far too much
saying ‘no’ to things you’d like to say ‘yes’ to
and, unsuccessfully juggling work life and home life.

You’re weighed down by endless tasks, to-do lists and constant notifications that consume your days, creep into your evenings and sometimes keep you up at night.

Every step forward feels like it takes up too much time and energy

And it’s a cycle of repetitive tasks that take over, from managing emails to handling invoicing, leaving little-no room for strategic growth, creativity or personal time.

Conversations with peers turn into venting sessions about never having enough time and always feeling stressed, overwhelmed and on the edge of burnout.

Despite trying various time management/organisational strategies, you find yourself:

stuck in the same spot
chained to your desk
missing out on family events
and, neglecting your health

Sounds pretty grim, right?

See, I know all this because I’ve been there. I remember it all too well.

Feeling like nothing you do ever seems to move the needle in the right direction.

Like you gave up a 35-40 hour job for a 60+ hour one…

  • As Seen In

  • As Seen In

Is Your Business Walking All Over Your Peace Of Mind?

You started your business dreaming of freedom and impact

Travelling the world, taking time off when you choose, finishing early, working around the kids, inspiring others…

But it turns out entrepreneurship doesn’t quite work like that.

Instead, you’re finding yourself:

working far too much
saying ‘no’ to things you’d like to say ‘yes’ to
and, unsuccessfully juggling work life and home life.

You’re weighed down by endless tasks, to-do lists and constant notifications that consume your days, creep into your evenings and sometimes keep you up at night.

Every step forward feels like it takes up too much time and energy

And it’s a cycle of repetitive tasks that take over, from managing emails to handling invoicing, leaving little-no room for strategic growth, creativity or personal time.

Conversations with peers turn into venting sessions about never having enough time and always feeling stressed, overwhelmed and on the edge of burnout.

Despite trying various time management/organisational strategies, you find yourself:

stuck in the same spot
chained to your desk
missing out on family events
and, neglecting your health

Sounds pretty grim, right?

See, I know all this because I’ve been there. I remember it all too well.

Feeling like nothing you do ever seems to move the needle in the right direction.

Like you gave up a 35-40 hour job for a 60+ hour one…

I want you to break free

From the operational quicksand that's pulling you away from the life you envisioned when you first embarked on your entrepreneurial journey.

To rediscover the passion and purpose that led you to start your business in the first place.

Do you want that, too?

The Hidden Cost of 'Business as Usual'

You're not just losing time to menial tasks; you're losing moments that matter.

Every hour spent on repetitive work is an hour not spent with your family, pursuing hobbies, or taking care of yourself.

It's a ripple effect, where the stress and overwhelm seep into every corner of your life, dimming your light and the joy and satisfaction that should come from running your own business.

Every hour spent on repetitive work is an hour not spent with your family, pursuing hobbies, or taking care of yourself.

It's a ripple effect, where the stress and overwhelm seep into every corner of your life, dimming your light and the joy and satisfaction that should come from running your own business.

You've sought advice, tried to implement systems, yet nothing sticks, leaving you questioning your approach.
Fear creeps in that perhaps you're the exception, that while others find their flow, you're stuck battling the tide.
Memories of past attempts that fell short haunt you, making it harder each time to try again.
You're busy, incredibly so, and the thought of setting up new systems feels incredibly daunting.

You're not alone in this struggle.

Many entrepreneurs face these very challenges, myself included.

It's not a reflection of your capabilities or determination.

It's a systemic issue that's common in the entrepreneurial world…

We’re taught that as business owners we’re supposed to know how to do all the things in our business.

To work all the hours, because that’s what it takes to be ‘successful’.

The narrative of 'hard work equals success' is ingrained in us and makes us think that maybe this struggle is just part of the journey.

Then we see people like Gary Vee shouting about hustling and how it’s the one true path to freedom

You're not alone in this struggle.

Many entrepreneurs face these very challenges, myself included.

It's not a reflection of your capabilities or determination.

It's a systemic issue that's common in the entrepreneurial world…

We’re taught that as business owners we’re supposed to know how to do all the things in our business.

To work all the hours, because that’s what it takes to be ‘successful’.

The narrative of 'hard work equals success' is ingrained in us and makes us think that maybe this struggle is just part of the journey.

Then we see people like Gary Vee shouting about hustling and how it’s the one true path to freedom

Blerugh, I call BS.
I know there’s a better way, and I know you believe it, too. You just need to be shown the way.
Blerugh, I call BS.
I know there’s a better way, and I know you believe it, too. You just need to be shown the way.
Blerugh, I call BS.
I know there’s a better way, and I know you believe it, too. You just need to be shown the way.

You've been searching for the perfect balance between growing your business and maintaining your sanity.

Along the way, I’m sure you've encountered a wide range of advice, strategies, and so-called solutions.

Perhaps you’ve been told or might have tried:

Investing in Countless Productivity Apps: Downloading app after app, each promising to be the key to your productivity woes. Yet, all you've got is a phone cluttered with tools you barely use. Tell me it’s not just me that has far too many apps on her phone!

Following One-Size-Fits-All Strategies: Generic business advice is everywhere, urging you to follow the same path as everyone else. But your business isn't like everyone else's, and these cookie-cutter approaches just don't cut it, leaving you feeling more frustrated than fulfilled. I wasted far too much money before I realised this was never going to work for me…

Endless Task Automation without Strategy: You've been told to automate everything, from your email responses to your social media posts. While automation is key, without a strategic approach, it's like having a fancy sports car without knowing how to drive it. This was how I started… mistakes were made, let’s leave it at that ;)

Overcomplicating with Complex Systems: In an attempt to get organised, you might have set up complicated systems and processes. But instead of making life easier, they've added layers of complexity, and you get lost in the labyrinth of confusion. And when something breaks… it’s easier to just burn it all down than figure out what actually went wrong.

Buying all the courses, workshops and masterclasses promising they’re the magic ‘fix’: Investing time and money into various courses that promise the secret sauce to business success. Unfortunately, these often leave you with a lighter wallet and a head full of generic advice that doesn't quite apply to your unique business needs. I dropped $7K on a program last year that was exactly this… It shouldn’t cost this much just to figure out making money without working all the hours.

Chasing After the Latest Trends: The business world is full of fads, and it's tempting to jump on the bandwagon, hoping that the latest trend will be the answer to all your problems. But trends don’t build sustainable businesses… they might give you a quick cash injection, but then what? Long story short, I survived.

Phew, I’m already exhausted….

It’s time for a better way, not just another ‘to-do’ list…

Embracing every role in your business might seem like the epitome of entrepreneurial spirit…

But it's a surefire path to burnout and inefficiency.

You've been the marketer, the accountant, the customer service rep, and while that diversity is commendable, it's also dilutive, spreading your expertise too thin and leaving little room for the deep, strategic work that truly drives growth.

And even if you have a team, I know you still find yourself having to double check everything, fix things that aren’t quite right, and be the one that handles comms with your clients.

So you’re still just as busy and overwhelmed as you were when it was just you…

Here’s where most entrepreneurs get stuck:

Jack of All Trades, Master of None: This old adage rings true in the entrepreneurial world. When your focus is scattered across multiple domains, mastery becomes elusive, and each task suffers from a lack of deep, focused attention.

The Deception of Busy Work: Being busy is not synonymous with being productive. This misconception leads to a culture of constant activity, where the value of work is measured by its urgency and volume, not its impact on business growth.

The Multitasking Myth: Science tells us that multitasking is less about simultaneous execution and more about rapid task switching, which increases error rates and extends overall task completion times. It's an illusion of efficiency, with a real cost to productivity and quality.

One-Size-Fits-All Pitfalls: Generic solutions are everywhere, promising to solve every problem you’ve ever had (in life and in business). Yet, without addressing the unique nuances of you and your business, they often add layers of complexity, creating more problems than they solve. And in my experience, rarely work for everyone.

The Lure Of Quick-Fixes: They seductive as hell, but rarely work in the long term. If you don’t address the core issues in your business, your results will only be fleeting.

You need a strategic shift that moves beyond surface-level solutions and dives into the core of your business operations.

It's about implementing a system that's as unique as your business, one that simplifies, not complicates, freeing you to focus on what you do best.

But it’s also something you can start to implement in as little as 30 minutes a week

It's me, hi.

It's me, hi.

Enchanted to meet you.
Enchanted to meet you.

I'm Cat, one half of the team behind Orenki Creative, where my husband Mike and I blend our love for design and tech to help entrepreneurs thrive online.

I am on a mission to help more businesses create engaging customer experiences, utilising funnels and automation, to increase and automate their lead gen and sales.

The power of automation and the growth it can help businesses achieve when leveraged is very important to me.

You see, I am living with a rare form of cancer that was originally diagnosed in 2006 and has left me deaf in one ear, with balance problems and suffering with ongoing fatigue and pain. And so, I could never work the crazy hours business owners are encouraged to work when first starting out. I couldn't do all the things we're convinced we need to do…. I couldn't hustle.

I'm Cat, one half of the team behind Orenki Creative, where my husband Mike and I blend our love for design and tech to help entrepreneurs thrive online.

I am on a mission to help more businesses create engaging customer experiences, utilising funnels and automation, to increase and automate their lead gen and sales.

The power of automation and the growth it can help businesses achieve when leveraged is very important to me.

You see, I am living with a rare form of cancer that was originally diagnosed in 2006 and has left me deaf in one ear, with balance problems and suffering with ongoing fatigue and pain. And so, I could never work the crazy hours business owners are encouraged to work when first starting out. I couldn't do all the things we're convinced we need to do…. I couldn't hustle.

This led me to find ways to still achieve the same results as everyone else, without all those endless hours, to-do lists and the exhaustion and overwhelm that follows hustle.

Automation was a key part of that and it's something I love helping other businesses and entrepreneurs leverage, too.

You don't need to be living with a health condition, juggling family life, or struggling with other life-impacting things to want to ditch the hustle and find a better way.

Automation is something that no matter your circumstances can help your business thrive and scale more sustainably. And I am incredibly passionate about helping more businesses embrace it.

It’s time for

More control

less chaos
less chaos
less chaos

More wins

less stress
less stress
less stress

More time

less exhaustion
less exhaustion
less exhaustion

Imagine a day where everything feels lighter, brighter and so much easier…

Think about the joy of shutting down your computer at a reasonable hour, with the satisfaction of a productive day behind you, and the evening ahead to enjoy as you please.

Picture ending your day with a sense of accomplishment, knowing your business is moving forward while you reclaim your time for life's pleasures.
Visualise the satisfaction of watching your business grow, not from grinding 24/7, but from efficient, automated processes that work even when you're not.
Dream of the peace that comes with a balanced life, where success isn't measured by how exhausted you are at the end of the day.

I get it because I've been there.

That's why I'm committed to sharing the power of automation, it’s not about adding more hours to your day but about making every hour count more towards what genuinely fulfils you (and your bank balance).

This isn't just about business efficiency; it's a mindset, energetic and strategic shift that will change your life, if you let it.

I’m all about not just increasing your bottom line, but also helping you achieve professional and personal happiness and balance.

Are you ready to step into this new reality, where your business thrives, and so do you?

I get it because I've been there.

That's why I'm committed to sharing the power of automation, it’s not about adding more hours to your day but about making every hour count more towards what genuinely fulfils you (and your bank balance).This isn't just about business efficiency; it's a mindset, energetic and strategic shift that will change your life, if you let it.

I’m all about not just increasing your bottom line, but also helping you achieve professional and personal happiness and balance.

Are you ready to step into this new reality, where your business thrives, and so do you?

I get it because I've been there.

That's why I'm committed to sharing the power of automation, it’s not about adding more hours to your day but about making every hour count more towards what genuinely fulfils you (and your bank balance).This isn't just about business efficiency; it's a mindset, energetic and strategic shift that will change your life, if you let it.

I’m all about not just increasing your bottom line, but also helping you achieve professional and personal happiness and balance.

Are you ready to step into this new reality, where your business thrives, and so do you?


The Automation Lounge is the ultimate solution for entrepreneurs and businesses who want to increase efficiency and profit without the constant hustle and overwhelm.

Welcome to The Automation Lounge, where we're dedicated to transforming the way entrepreneurs like you run your business (and the impact it has on your life).

This isn't just about automating a few processes; it's about a complete shift in how you approach your work, ensuring you achieve more by doing less.

Join a community where efficiency meets innovation, and where your business growth goes hand in hand with your personal wellbeing.

Say goodbye to endless task lists and embrace a smarter way of working.

With The Automation Lounge, watch your business thrive while you enjoy the balanced, fulfilling life you've always longed for.

Hear What people have to say about working with me:

Samantha Hearne

Business Coach


I have been working with Cat and Orenki for a long time now and they have completely rebranded everything that needed up leveling, created cohesion between all of my sales pages, opt in pages, and funnels. They’ve made sure that everything is working properly, really up leveled what we've done from our graphics, what I'm doing on my Instagram stories, when I do guest speaking appearances, and just made sure that everything has its own brand identity, which has been absolutely incredible for me. It's been absolutely amazing and I would 100% recommend anybody to work with them.

I have been working with Cat and Orenki for a long time now and they have completely rebranded everything that needed up leveling, created cohesion between all of my sales pages, opt in pages, and funnels. They’ve made sure that everything is working properly, really up leveled what we've done from our graphics, what I'm doing on my Instagram stories, when I do guest speaking appearances, and just made sure that everything has its own brand identity, which has been absolutely incredible for me. It's been absolutely amazing and I would 100% recommend anybody to work with them.

I have been working with Cat and Orenki for a long time now and they have completely rebranded everything that needed up leveling, created cohesion between all of my sales pages, opt in pages, and funnels. They’ve made sure that everything is working properly, really up leveled what we've done from our graphics, what I'm doing on my Instagram stories, when I do guest speaking appearances, and just made sure that everything has its own brand identity, which has been absolutely incredible for me. It's been absolutely amazing and I would 100% recommend anybody to work with them.

Lisa Easton

Founder, Millionaire Morning Mamas


I had the privilege of working with Cat on my funnel rebrand and redesign, and I can't say enough great things. She is super organised. She has a great communication style, quick turnaround time, and the ability to manage such a big project and keep you in the loop along the way was exceptional. But the best part for me is that before Cat put her expertise on my funnel, we were about at $10K sales per month. And in the last two months, we've hit $75K in one month. That was in September. And for October, we are projected to hit $100K in sales.

I had the privilege of working with Cat on my funnel rebrand and redesign, and I can't say enough great things. She is super organised. She has a great communication style, quick turnaround time, and the ability to manage such a big project and keep you in the loop along the way was exceptional. But the best part for me is that before Cat put her expertise on my funnel, we were about at $10K sales per month. And in the last two months, we've hit $75K in one month. That was in September. And for October, we are projected to hit $100K in sales.

I had the privilege of working with Cat on my funnel rebrand and redesign, and I can't say enough great things. She is super organised. She has a great communication style, quick turnaround time, and the ability to manage such a big project and keep you in the loop along the way was exceptional. But the best part for me is that before Cat put her expertise on my funnel, we were about at $10K sales per month. And in the last two months, we've hit $75K in one month. That was in September. And for October, we are projected to hit $100K in sales.

Anna Wallace

Founder, The Weight Loss Academy


I can honestly say this is the first time someone has been able to take what I actually wanted and make it look even better. Our clients are having an even better experience with us. Our sales pages are converting better. Everything fits together. I loved that Cat and her team are the whole package, not only are they great from a design perspective, also from a functional perspective, to copy, sales pages, you name it. It made it easier for me. Thank you Cat and team for all your hard work and for supporting bringing our mission to the world in a very beautiful way.

I can honestly say this is the first time someone has been able to take what I actually wanted and make it look even better. Our clients are having an even better experience with us. Our sales pages are converting better. Everything fits together. I loved that Cat and her team are the whole package, not only are they great from a design perspective, also from a functional perspective, to copy, sales pages, you name it. It made it easier for me. Thank you Cat and team for all your hard work and for supporting bringing our mission to the world in a very beautiful way.

I can honestly say this is the first time someone has been able to take what I actually wanted and make it look even better. Our clients are having an even better experience with us. Our sales pages are converting better. Everything fits together. I loved that Cat and her team are the whole package, not only are they great from a design perspective, also from a functional perspective, to copy, sales pages, you name it. It made it easier for me. Thank you Cat and team for all your hard work and for supporting bringing our mission to the world in a very beautiful way.

What's Included

Get a new automation recipe every single week!

Every week, you'll receive a meticulously crafted automation recipe that's designed to tackle common business inefficiencies or enhance areas or aspects of your business. These recipes are more than just instructions; they're comprehensive strategies that have been proven effective in various business scenarios, providing you with a toolkit to address challenges and seize opportunities within your business.

Each recipe includes:

A visual ‘map’ of the recipe/workflow so that you can quickly understand how it works

A written ‘how-to’ guide that not only walks you through implementation but also explains why it’s important. This guide delves into the nuances of the automation, and, where appropriate, offering insights into how it can be customised to fit your unique business needs and objectives.

A video tutorial so that whether you prefer watching detailed demonstrations or reading step-by-step instructions, there’s something for you, ensuring you can effectively and confidently implement recipes appropriate for your business.

Plus, get access to:

Weekly Q&As where your questions and challenges get answered. This is your opportunity to get personalised advice and insights from an automation expert (that’s me!). This interactive component ensures that you're supported throughout your automation journey, with expert guidance just a question away.

Tech recommendations and how-to’s where appropriate so that you feel confident in making the right decisions on what and how to automate.

The ability to make requests for any automations you specifically would like recipes and help with setting up in your business.

With a new recipe delivered to you each week, you can pick and choose which ones are suitable for your business and implement them in as little as 30 minutes.

More of what people have to say about me, my work and trainings:

Let's Take a Look Inside…

I get it, you want to know what automation Recipes you're going to get access to, right?

The very first recipe we released was for the contact form on your website.

Now, I know you may already have that set up, but do you have it set to automatically notify you, send that contact a 'thanks for your message' email, and create a task for you to get back to them?


Didn't think so.

The reason I added this automation was that it was something we struggled with in our business. We were getting enquiries, but missing them inside our inbox.

I set this up to make sure we didn't miss anything moving forwards and it's working a charm!

The very first recipe we released was for the contact form on your website.

Now, I know you may already have that set up, but do you have it set to automatically notify you, send that contact a 'thanks for your message' email, and create a task for you to get back to them?


Didn't think so.

The reason I added this automation was that it was something we struggled with in our business. We were getting enquiries, but missing them inside our inbox.

I set this up to make sure we didn't miss anything moving forwards and it's working a charm!

The very first recipe we released was for the contact form on your website.

Now, I know you may already have that set up, but do you have it set to automatically notify you, send that contact a 'thanks for your message' email, and create a task for you to get back to them?


Didn't think so.

The reason I added this automation was that it was something we struggled with in our business. We were getting enquiries, but missing them inside our inbox.

I set this up to make sure we didn't miss anything moving forwards and it's working a charm!

Want to know what we have coming up in the pipeline?

Here are some of the upcoming recipes:

Automated email response
Post Networking or event follow up
New customer welcome
Proposal follow up
List Cleaning
Meeting Notes
Email Templates
Super Signature
Survey Campaign To Increase Sales
Appointment Follow Up
Failed Payment Campaign
Pipeline Set Up

Every Month, Get access to:

A new automation recipe each week [VALUE $500]

written ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

Video ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

weekly Q&As [VALUE $150]

Tech recommendations [VALUE $100]

Automation Requests [VALUE $200]

Total Value = $1350 /month

Today’s Price = $7 /month

Every Month, Get access to:

A new automation recipe each week [VALUE $500]

written ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

Video ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

weekly Q&As [VALUE $150]

Tech recommendations [VALUE $100]

Automation Requests [VALUE $200]

Total Value = $1350 /month

Today’s Price = $7 /month

Every Month, Get access to:

A new automation recipe each week [VALUE $500]

written ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

Video ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

weekly Q&As [VALUE $150]

Tech recommendations [VALUE $100]

Automation Requests [VALUE $200]

Total Value = $1350 /month

Today’s Price = $7 /month

It’s never too late To be brand new…

And to shake off the ‘would've’, ‘could've’, ‘should've’s.

Are you ready for it?

It’s time to:

Step into a world where your business operates seamlessly, reducing your workload and eliminating the chaos of daily operations. Imagine having the space to breathe, create, and strategise, rather than being bogged down by boring routine tasks.
Shift from being overwhelmed and reactive to proactive and in control. Our automation strategies are designed to streamline your processes, enhancing productivity and allowing you to focus on what truly matters - growth, innovation, and personal fulfilment.
Shift from being overwhelmed and reactive to proactive and in control. Our automation strategies are designed to streamline your processes, enhancing productivity and allowing you to focus on what truly matters - growth, innovation, and personal fulfilment.
Shift from being overwhelmed and reactive to proactive and in control. Our automation strategies are designed to streamline your processes, enhancing productivity and allowing you to focus on what truly matters - growth, innovation, and personal fulfilment.
Say goodbye to endless workdays and hello to a balanced life. With your business running efficiently, you'll have more time to invest in your passions, family, and wellbeing, without sacrificing your entrepreneurial ambitions.
Say goodbye to endless workdays and hello to a balanced life. With your business running efficiently, you'll have more time to invest in your passions, family, and wellbeing, without sacrificing your entrepreneurial ambitions.
Say goodbye to endless workdays and hello to a balanced life. With your business running efficiently, you'll have more time to invest in your passions, family, and wellbeing, without sacrificing your entrepreneurial ambitions.
Watch your business expand through smart automation, not relentless hustle. Achieve your goals with strategic ease, tapping into the power of automation to scale sustainably and successfully.
Watch your business expand through smart automation, not relentless hustle. Achieve your goals with strategic ease, tapping into the power of automation to scale sustainably and successfully.
Watch your business expand through smart automation, not relentless hustle. Achieve your goals with strategic ease, tapping into the power of automation to scale sustainably and successfully.
Build a business that works in harmony with your lifestyle, supporting your dreams. Not one that demands your constant attention and energy.
Build a business that works in harmony with your lifestyle, supporting your dreams. Not one that demands your constant attention and energy.
Build a business that works in harmony with your lifestyle, supporting your dreams. Not one that demands your constant attention and energy.
Ditch the frustration and financial drain of trial-and-error methods. Use our proven strategies, saving you time, money, and the headache of figuring it out on your own.
Ditch the frustration and financial drain of trial-and-error methods. Use our proven strategies, saving you time, money, and the headache of figuring it out on your own.
Ditch the frustration and financial drain of trial-and-error methods. Use our proven strategies, saving you time, money, and the headache of figuring it out on your own.
Switch things up for good - this isn't just a temporary fix; it's a fundamental change in how you do business. Adopt a system that evolves with you, ensuring your business remains efficient, responsive, and ahead of the curve.
Switch things up for good - this isn't just a temporary fix; it's a fundamental change in how you do business. Adopt a system that evolves with you, ensuring your business remains efficient, responsive, and ahead of the curve.
Switch things up for good - this isn't just a temporary fix; it's a fundamental change in how you do business. Adopt a system that evolves with you, ensuring your business remains efficient, responsive, and ahead of the curve.

Join The Automation Lounge and embark on a journey to transform your business into a streamlined, efficient entity that thrives autonomously, enabling you to enjoy the success and freedom you've always wanted.

Automate Your Business for Less Than Your Average Starbucks Order

Automate Your Business for Less Than Your Average Starbucks Order

The doors to The Automation Lounge are open, but they won't stay that way forever.

I’m offering exclusive access at just $7 a month – yes, you read that right. For less than what you'd probably spend at Starbucks, you can start streamlining your business today.

But here's the thing – while the price is small, the value is HUUUUGE. Every day without the strategic automations we share is a day you might be leaving money on the table or squandering hours you could spend with loved ones or on passions that ignite you.

It's about more than just saving a few hours here and there; it's about fundamentally changing how your business operates for the better.

Are you ready to redefine your work-life balance and business efficiency?

Let's be honest, in the grand scheme of your business expenses, $7 is a minimal investment with the potential to bring about significant return…

So, remember that this isn't just another monthly subscription – it's an investment in your business's future and your own quality of life.

Grab this opportunity to join an exclusive community dedicated to leveraging automation for business success.

After all, isn't it time your business started working for you, not the other way around?

Every Month, Get access to:

A new automation recipe each week [VALUE $500]

written ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

Video ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

weekly Q&As [VALUE $150]

Tech recommendations [VALUE $100]

Automation Requests [VALUE $200]

Total Value = $1350 /month

Today’s Price = $7 /month

Every Month, Get access to:

A new automation recipe each week [VALUE $500]

written ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

Video ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

weekly Q&As [VALUE $150]

Tech recommendations [VALUE $100]

Automation Requests [VALUE $200]

Total Value = $1350 /month

Today’s Price = $7 /month

Every Month, Get access to:

A new automation recipe each week [VALUE $500]

written ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

Video ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

weekly Q&As [VALUE $150]

Tech recommendations [VALUE $100]

Automation Requests [VALUE $200]

Total Value = $1350 /month

Today’s Price = $7 /month

Hear What people have to say about working with me:

Jo Keyes

Founder of Time to Nourish


In just one consultation Cat gained an understanding of our business idea for an online course and shared her knowledge on how and when to deliver different types of content to maximise funnelling and building trust and relationships with the audience to increase take up for the launch. Her ideas enabled us to build a solid effective strategy to implement. Cats experience of social media and digital marketing has been so valuable to the project.

In just one consultation Cat gained an understanding of our business idea for an online course and shared her knowledge on how and when to deliver different types of content to maximise funnelling and building trust and relationships with the audience to increase take up for the launch. Her ideas enabled us to build a solid effective strategy to implement. Cats experience of social media and digital marketing has been so valuable to the project.

In just one consultation Cat gained an understanding of our business idea for an online course and shared her knowledge on how and when to deliver different types of content to maximise funnelling and building trust and relationships with the audience to increase take up for the launch. Her ideas enabled us to build a solid effective strategy to implement. Cats experience of social media and digital marketing has been so valuable to the project.

Monique Sveinsson

CEO & Founder of The Perfect Planner Company


Cat has been a huge asset to our business. We couldn’t ask for more. She has taken the time to understand us and the business, and has without doubt been instrumental to our growth. As always a huge thank you from us.

Cat has been a huge asset to our business. We couldn’t ask for more. She has taken the time to understand us and the business, and has without doubt been instrumental to our growth. As always a huge thank you from us.

Cat has been a huge asset to our business. We couldn’t ask for more. She has taken the time to understand us and the business, and has without doubt been instrumental to our growth. As always a huge thank you from us.

Sue Richards

Founder, Sue Richards Coaching


Cat and I worked on a 1:1 basis for 8 weeks.  She really helped me drill down in to what I needed to do to launch my recent masterclass and make it a success; as a result of her help I doubled the number of clients on my online nutrition course. Cat took the time to understand my business and how I wanted it to grow. All of the advice and guidance she gave me was focused on my business and my goals - not some generic guidance. Cat has not only helped me develop my technical skills but my confidence too!

Cat and I worked on a 1:1 basis for 8 weeks.  She really helped me drill down in to what I needed to do to launch my recent masterclass and make it a success; as a result of her help I doubled the number of clients on my online nutrition course. Cat took the time to understand my business and how I wanted it to grow. All of the advice and guidance she gave me was focused on my business and my goals - not some generic guidance. Cat has not only helped me develop my technical skills but my confidence too!

Cat and I worked on a 1:1 basis for 8 weeks.  She really helped me drill down in to what I needed to do to launch my recent masterclass and make it a success; as a result of her help I doubled the number of clients on my online nutrition course. Cat took the time to understand my business and how I wanted it to grow. All of the advice and guidance she gave me was focused on my business and my goals - not some generic guidance. Cat has not only helped me develop my technical skills but my confidence too!

Wanna Ask Me A Question?

I'm just starting out and don't have much of a client base yet. Will The Automation Lounge still benefit me?

How much time will I need to commit to implementing the strategies in The Automation Lounge?

Will the automation strategies apply to my specific industry?

What if I realise this isn't the right fit for me after joining?

I'm worried I don't have the tech skills needed to implement these automations. Should I be concerned?

Can I expect to see immediate results after implementing these automation strategies?

I already use some automation tools in my business. How will The Automation Lounge add value to what I'm already doing?

Is there ongoing support available if I have questions or need help with implementing what I learn?

Do I need to invest in additional tools or software to implement the strategies taught in The Automation Lounge?

I'm not a tech person at all. Will I still be able to follow along and implement the automation recipes?

I'm already swamped with work. How will I find the time to implement new automation strategies?

I've tried automating before without much success. How is this program different?

$7 a month seems too good to be true, where’s the catch?

Are there a bunch of Taylor Swift lyrics in this page?

Will automating my business processes make it feel impersonal to my clients?

How can automation help me if I'm struggling to find clients?

Pause for a moment and consider the crossroads you're at right now.

On one path, more of the same: the endless grind, the overwhelming to-do lists, and the feeling that your business is running you, not the other way around.
On the other path, The Automation Lounge awaits you - a journey towards efficiency, growth, and balance…

So, what happens if you choose to stay where you are?

  • Continued overwhelm and stress, as your to-do list grows longer and your free time becomes scarcer.

  • Missed opportunities for growth, as you're too weighed down by the day-to-day to strategise and innovate.

  • The ongoing frustration of knowing there's a better way to operate, but not taking the step to embrace it.

  • Missed family occasions, quality time…

  • Worst-case, perhaps even burnout strikes and forces you to stop, take a break and reassess.

Now, imagine the alternative:

  • Your business runs smoothly, like a well-oiled machine, with automation taking care of the heavy lifting.

  • You have more time to focus on what truly matters, whether that's scaling your business, spending time with your loved ones, travelling or pursuing hobbies.

  • A sense of peace, accomplishment, and dare I say happiness, knowing your business is thriving, not just surviving.

Can you feel this magic in the air?

For less than $0.25 a day you can take back control and turn things around, with my guidance, support and help. 

Are you as excited as I am to see where The Automation Lounge can take you?

Click the button to join and Meet me in the afterglow

Every Month, Get access to:

A new automation recipe each week [VALUE $500]

written ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

Video ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

weekly Q&As [VALUE $150]

Tech recommendations [VALUE $100]

Automation Requests [VALUE $200]

Total Value = $1350 /month

Today’s Price = $7 /month

Every Month, Get access to:

A new automation recipe each week [VALUE $500]

written ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

Video ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

weekly Q&As [VALUE $150]

Tech recommendations [VALUE $100]

Automation Requests [VALUE $200]

Total Value = $1350 /month

Today’s Price = $7 /month

Every Month, Get access to:

A new automation recipe each week [VALUE $500]

written ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

Video ‘how-to’ guides for each recipe [VALUE $200]

weekly Q&As [VALUE $150]

Tech recommendations [VALUE $100]

Automation Requests [VALUE $200]

Total Value = $1350 /month

Today’s Price = $7 /month

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© 2024 Orenki LTD

All rights reserved